Eu referendum whats your vote

CF, like you i think a large proportion of the populace deserve everything they get, they’ve voted for one set of traitors after another because they can’t see past the promises (lies) being told at election times, aided and abetted in the lie by a bought and paid for media.
From pure bribes, when certain groups of voters are bribed with other voter’s money, to false promises (more lies) about anything from curbing immigration to putting real coppers on the streets.
Remember the govt doesn’t have any money, the money is taken from, or borrowed in, the name of the people.

I keep hoping that surely enough people must have seen through the sham by now, nope not a bit of it, year on year they seem less capable than before of independent thought, millions having to be told what to think and who to vote for, from cradle to grave thoroughly indoctrinated, millions encouraged to be dependent on the state, which actually despises them.

Something sinister has happened to what was once called democracy, the politicians and elite’s all talk democracy, but what they really mean is that they, the intelligensia, should make the decisions, and the politicians should convince the electorate aided by the media to agree with what has been decided for them, and to vote accordingly, this is their idea of democracy and opposing views to be hounded from all sides, using the easily led useful idiots, well represented by the likes of antifa (the irony is strong in that name Obiwan), hope not soap and what was once the police force, handy boot boys when the dissident isn’t keeping quiet and carrying on as instructed.