Can you just? Saturday morning jobs

On Hayters I used to do all the big shows Chelsea/Edinburgh/Stoneleigh Park etc, with Edinburgh it was a Saturday leave yard, Edinburgh Sunday morning to unload and sort display stand out for show to start Monday, then continue doing delivery’s up as far as Aberdeen then back to show ground and sit around till the show ended to load all the stuff back on again and take it back to Spellbrook. Chelsea was just a day deliver sort stand and back to yard then at end of show go down and do it all in reverse, one year we were loading and I saw all these rose bushes in a skip and asked the bloke what was going to happen to them to be told they were for the dump, so after we finished loading our stuff I pulled round and loaded a lot of these roses on the back, also found some indoor plants and stuck them in the cab, talk about a mobile greenhouse it was a wonder we never got stopped on the way home, we did have the best roses in the village for a few years though.

Over nighted at Stoneleigh one year and got the 410 out in the evening and nearly got caught poaching in the grounds, but that is another story.