Saviem's fan club (Part 1)


Wonder what Mum2 has got to say about all this Senior…

Your loving son,

Dunno…but she was the one that wanted to sell you in the fist place…

Remember this day then Senior? You (wearing clogs…) trying to teach me how to drive that bike of yours… needless to say I’ve never went near a bike after that day…

First…you don’t drive a bike, you ride it
Second…don’t mistake my kindness, teaching you to ride… for teaching you to ride, hoping you’d you’d clear off long enough for us to move house…

Here you are Whips…I taught you at at such an early age how to master a manual box , and you still can’t

Don’t believe a word Senior, just spoken to Mum2, she didn’t knew any of this! She just thought I’d buggered off… apparently she’s still waiting for the money I’ve send her… so care to explain what you’ve done with the money… and do you think it’s acceptable what you’ve done…

Bikes, motorcycles, whatever… nearly bought a Intruder once, but remembering your lessons, I’d bought a Ford Capri instead…

Could be me in that pic, because you know I like to wear me shorts… but I reckon it’s Davidoff mate, the lad has got hair…