Eu referendum whats your vote


The Labour Party is split just the same as the Cons so nothing will change it will be one minority government being exchanged for another IMHO. Cheers Bewick. PS as long us lot up here in the Westmorland & Lonsdale constituency can get this [zb] Farron out I’ll settle for that ! :laughing: :laughing:

I’ve just been on election which projects the results if the 2017 polls on a parish basis were reworked to the proposed boundary changes; I’m very sad I know, but it interests me. And there’s good news in Westmorland & Lonsdale for Bewick. It suggests that Bewick’s farmer friend would be in by 2600 votes and Mr. Farron can go full time tub-thumping, or whatever he chooses to do with his new found spare time.

Apparently if that “Richard head” Clegg hadn’t vetoed the boundary changes which would have evened out to around 70,000 voters per constituency and also reducing the numbers of MP’s to 600 Mrs. May would have got a working majority. But the changes will not be introduced before the next election. Cheers Bewick.