"Heavy Haulage through the years"

Leyland Ash:
Some more from Israel. A big problem which one had to overcome over there was the transport of boats from the Med to the Red Sea - remember that for many years the Suez canal was either inaccessible or blocked, so sights like the below were not uncommon. It was a nerve wracking trip, what with having to traverse the descent to the Dead Sea plains which was a narrow and winding road back then without any run-out areas whatever - a mistake usually had dire consequences. Macks and Autocars had this class for themselves until the Leyland Contractor became available in 64.

Oh, for those who wonder about the naming of Scammells and Albions as Leylands, this had to do with avoiding being black-listed by the Arabs for selling to Israel. So Scammells were to be sold in Arab countries, Leylands in Israel…

Cheers for the info and pic’s… and clearing the Scammell subject up, I’d vaguely remembered it had to do something with that, but wasn’t sure anymore… old age kicking in I’m afraid… wasn’t there another marque that was “rebranded”…? Thus because the original name of the brand was some swear word in that language…? Does that ring any bells, or am I becoming senile already… :wink: