France Diesel

It is steadily getting better now, tried to fill up at an AS24 in Vitré two Fridays ago and all pumps out, same again start of last week at the AS24 near Amiens, middle of the week AS24 Lens , fuel available but long queues and a limit of 300 litres. By Friday a much better situation, smaller queues and the limit removed. I noticed also in my travels around France that the smaller town filling stations are now reopening, without queues I must add, and the larger stations (supermarkets etc) have no queues now.
Where I live two weeks ago the local Leclerc had fuel but they weren’t allowing the use of petrol cans and only 20 litres , today same station, no limits, filled up the car with diesel along with a petrol can for the lawn mower. The only thing that I did notice…
Diesel has gone up from 1.06 to 1.17 :imp: