Only a hour left :P

only about a hour left till the new series of eddie stobarts lol… so come on whos exited then :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone on the look out on how to be the best of the best?? :unamused: :laughing:

do u have a life ffs

For those of you who like to watch it… enjoy.
Unfortunately I shall not be watching it, I`ll be down the pub doing something I enjoy

do u have a life ffs

i was being sarcastic… but obviosly not everyone understands lol…

I watched the first programme out of curiosity, then about ten minutes of the second programme, but already it was becoming very formulaic.

But the point is, that this programme isn’t aimed at us, it’s aimed at people who didn’t previously understand how all of that food got to the supermarket and had assumed that it was magicked there by the Tesco Fairy while they were asleep.

The old biddies at my Mum’s bowls club just can’t get enough of it and after 25 years of being mortified with shame about my job, my Mum is suddenly beaming with pride to tell her friends that her son drives a truck too, so in that sense it has to be a Good Thing.

Here we go…

Here we go…

as someone just said aint u got a life :laughing: :laughing: only jokeing fella

No. I just like to see what ■■■■■■■■ the producer has come up with to make the green machine look good.


Harry Monk:
I watched the first programme out of curiosity, then about ten minutes of the second programme, but already it was becoming very formulaic.

But the point is, that this programme isn’t aimed at us, it’s aimed at people who didn’t previously understand how all of that food got to the supermarket and had assumed that it was magicked there by the Tesco Fairy while they were asleep.

The old biddies at my Mum’s bowls club just can’t get enough of it and after 25 years of being mortified with shame about my job, my Mum is suddenly beaming with pride to tell her friends that her son drives a truck too, so in that sense it has to be a Good Thing.

Very true, my mates young kids love the programme. They even made him join the Fan Club (on their behalf, I gather…) but he drew the line at putting that sticker on his truck.

He tells me that his kids come up with jems like “It shouldn’t take that long to get to Crick…” and “There’s a sidelight out on that trailer…”

In it’s own weird way ESL and IRT have humanised us to a good few members of the general public and that can’t be a bad thing can it?


Was that a cop car blocking the road while he was reversing?

Cruise Control:
Was that a cop car blocking the road while he was reversing?

thats what i was thinking on another note fiona had an hr to get to old trafford and were not sure if she will make it even though she is at the lights at the trafford centre :smiley:

Boy, am I glad I’m stuck in Worcester with no TV! :laughing:

The Sarge:
Boy, am I glad I’m stuck in Worcester with no TV! :laughing:

the green machine saved the day haha…

ffiona came just in time tho :wink:

What a show…if only the public knew just how tedious driving a wagon really is and how enthralling it is to stop at Peterborough Services and the like…they would revert to their former opinions about us!

I don’t watch the ES advert but I reckon it probably does us more good than harm…at least sometimes! :grimacing:


The Sarge:
Boy, am I glad I’m stuck in Worcester with no TV! :laughing:

the green machine saved the day haha…

ffiona came just in time tho :wink:

Please don’t post spoilers - I’m waiting for the movie :wink:

The Sarge:


The Sarge:
Boy, am I glad I’m stuck in Worcester with no TV! :laughing:

the green machine saved the day haha…

ffiona came just in time tho :wink:

Please don’t post spoilers - I’m waiting for the movie :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: its going to be one of them R rated top shelf trucker types… or so im told

The Sarge:


The Sarge:
Boy, am I glad I’m stuck in Worcester with no TV! :laughing:

the green machine saved the day haha…

ffiona came just in time tho :wink:

Please don’t post spoilers - I’m waiting for the movie :wink:

it was the warmest position she has been in all day :grimacing: :grimacing:

ffiona came just in time tho :wink:

Good girl!

oh comedy fridays again :unamused:

cliffton 27:

The Sarge:


The Sarge:
Boy, am I glad I’m stuck in Worcester with no TV! :laughing:

the green machine saved the day haha…

ffiona came just in time tho :wink:

Please don’t post spoilers - I’m waiting for the movie :wink:

it was the warmest position she has been in all day :grimacing: :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: