What If...

Yeah grass them up. Firms making their drivers run bent should be shut down. It’s firms/drivers like that who are knocking down the pay. I don’t believe they pose a serious danger by running bent, but they are undercutting the people who play by the rules. Which means someone breaking the law could put me out of a job whilst I grudgingly comply with the law.

Same with a drunk driver. You should always ‘grass’. And to those of you who say ‘never grass, only scum grass’… if your house got burgled would you still say ‘I’m not going to grass’? If your daughter got raped would you try to persuade her not to go to the police?

The only drivers who have a problem with VOSA are those who are breaking the rules. Same as the only people who hate coppers are those who get arrested by them… “I ■■■■■■■ hate the police! They banged me up for mugging an old lady. Why can’t they arrest the real criminals?”