Car driving tuition

For my sins, and the amount of flak I’m going to get, I’m an Approved Driving Instructor and have some information to share with you all about my style of teaching.
I take pupils on fast “A” roads to get them to grasp speed and overtaking, while on “L” plates.
I teach them to respect trucks and motorcycles, 'cos I drive them both frequently.
Pass Plus is not compulsory and is being phased out.
I insist on a motorway lesson just after they’ve passed.
(The route is Stevenage-A1M-A404 to Watford-M25-Terminal 1 and 3 at Thiefrow-stop for a short break-then back-M25-A1M and home. Takes three hours.)
I have never cancelled a lesson for bad weather, snow or ice.
Emergency stop most lessons, wet roads included.
My longest lesson was five hours, Stevenage to West Wales.
So, the sooner I can take learners onto motorways the better, gives me more to teach, ergo, more money. :smiley:

PS If you think trucking is poorly paid, try being a full time ADI…