Keep clear of Reading you polluting lorry drivers

You come to my beautiful town so you shall pay for the privelege! … gh_reading

He said: “These lorries are not even stopping for a cup of tea so they are contributing nothing to the local economy apart from pollution.”

There we go, we have the solution. If everyone in a truck pulls over and stops for a hot beverage while passing through Reading the council are going to be over the moon and might then forget the idea.


the reason no one stops is because its a dump full of drugies and un insured car thieves, so many in fact they have there own television program, im a scum bag get me on the tele, or is it road wars.

Nimbys all along the M4 it seems! What with Bath and now Reading! :laughing:
Only been in Reading 3 times and that was to tip there! I know I wouldn’t use it as a ratrun! :open_mouth:

From the Reading Post…

Three-quarters of all the lorries driving through Reading do not stop there.

And 90 per cent of all the lorries coming into town via Woodcote Road are using Reading as a short-cut.

That was the information given to the full council by Councillor Tony Page, lead member for regeneration, transport and planning on Tuesday last week.

Cllr Page was talking about Reading Borough Council’s bid for funding through the Local Transport Plan to develop a low emission zone (LEZ). If a zone is established in Reading, it will be possible to charge lorries coming into town with no business there.

He said: “These lorries are not even stopping for a cup of tea so they are contributing nothing to the local economy apart from pollution.”

Cllr Page said 50 to 70 per cent of the pollution in the borough could be attributed to heavy goods vehicles — twice that caused by cars, five to six times that of small lorries and seven or eight times that of buses.

So far the council has secured funding from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for a mobile automatic number plate recognition vehicle which can be used to bring data up-to-date to calculate future congestion and air quality benefits.

Hmm - You can’t even park your car in Reading let alone find somewhere to leave your lorry while you go for “a cup of tea”




Thank you - i looked first but was looking for topics with Reading - sorry :blush: :blush:


From the Reading Post…

Three-quarters of all the lorries driving through Reading do not stop there.

And 90 per cent of all the lorries coming into town via Woodcote Road are using Reading as a short-cut.

That was the information given to the full council by Councillor Tony Page, lead member for regeneration, transport and planning on Tuesday last week.

Cllr Page was talking about Reading Borough Council’s bid for funding through the Local Transport Plan to develop a low emission zone (LEZ). If a zone is established in Reading, it will be possible to charge lorries coming into town with no business there.

He said: “These lorries are not even stopping for a cup of tea so they are contributing nothing to the local economy apart from pollution.”

Cllr Page said 50 to 70 per cent of the pollution in the borough could be attributed to heavy goods vehicles — twice that caused by cars, five to six times that of small lorries and seven or eight times that of buses.

So far the council has secured funding from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for a mobile automatic number plate recognition vehicle which can be used to bring data up-to-date to calculate future congestion and air quality benefits.

Hmm - You can’t even park your car in Reading let alone find somewhere to leave your lorry while you go for “a cup of tea”


You have a good point there steve,i wonder if the council would care to comment on it,i very much doubt it.

regards dave.

Please ban me from Reading; I hate the drug riddled s-hole with it’s overrated shopping centre.

i would happily go around it if all the surrounding roads didnt have a 7.5t weight limit :unamused:

They’ll soon change their minds once the local shops and petrol stations stop getting their deliveries and the bins don’t get emptied. :grimacing:

Reading whilst driving is not wise, and in all probability a serious offence.
Polluting lorry drivers■■?
I suppose lorry drivers are polluting, one has to go, it is nature.
I guess it means don’t take a book to the bog. :confused:

Afternoon, Ladies and Gents.

I am not a trucker, however I live very close to (but not directly on) the A4074 in Reading.

Given that the signage on Caversham Bridge advises lorries to use the M4/A34 to go north, rather than the A4074, is there really any justification for lorries to continue to use that road? At its southern end in Caversham, it really isn’t suitable for articulated lorries, and they cause daily traffic flow and pedestrian safety issues when negotiating the turn at The Griffin, and on the bends by St Peter’s church.

Other than the suggested time saving (thought to be about 7 minutes, isn’t it?), is there really any need to use this narrow, residential road against the advice of the traffic signage?

I’m not a supporter of LEZs, nor congestion charging, but I believe there should be a mandatory weight restriction on this road, or physical access restrictions to stop lorries turning left at The Griffin.

I know that lorries can (legally speaking) use the road at the moment, but does that mean that they should?

I wish they would physically stop trucks from being able to go anywhere near the towns and villages that are always whinging about them. They should be un-moveable width restrictions. Not 7.5 ton ‘except for access’, but nothing bigger than a transit full stop. No buses, coal delivery trucks, fuel tanks, shop deliveries or anything that doesn’t come via a transit. How much fun would it be watching the fire brigade un-reeling 1/2 mile of hose from the width restriction…
Well, it would be hypocritical to allow it in just because someone was burning wouldn’t it.

Oh. Shame. I had hoped to get a reasoned defence of HGVs using the A4074, rather than a blanket statement of sarcasm, it might have helped me learn something, maybe even change my mind.

Never mind.

If the alleged 7 minute saving is that vital, or if there are other good reasons for using the A4074, would anyone else care to comment?

The UK authorities have obvioiusly decided it’s a bad route for HGVs, hence the signs at Caversham Bridge. So, what else is there that negates that viewpoint?

There are already a few physical restrictions around Reading’s residential areas which prevent HGVs from using unsuitable routes, I don’t think anyone’s burnt to death yet as a result.

hotel magnum:
the reason no one stops is because its a dump full of drugies and un insured car thieves, so many in fact they have there own television program, im a scum bag get me on the tele, or is it road wars.

And all the other major towns/cities are devoid of these kind of people are they? You have obviously never seen Road Wars when they are highlighting Notts, Brum, Manc, London, Slough or any other of the major towns/cities etc etc. Isn’t Angus Mecoatup one for TV fame? Different programme title, same scenario??

Nimbys all along the M4 it seems! What with Bath and now Reading! :laughing:
Only been in Reading 3 times and that was to tip there! I know I wouldn’t use it as a ratrun! :open_mouth:

Actually mate, i wouldn’t use it as a ratrun either as all major roads lead to/out of Reading town centre and up to a major junction/bottleneck somewhere and are generally rammed most of the day!

Please ban me from Reading; I hate the drug riddled s-hole with it’s overrated shopping centre.

And we hate tear-arse ■■■■ sure-king of the road tipper drivers :wink: What does Witney Have to offer? Oh, druggies, uninsured car thieves etc etc and a not so fabulous muffin maker!

i would happily go around it if all the surrounding roads didnt have a 7.5t weight limit :unamused:

There aren’t that many 7.5t weight limits around that restrict LGV’s from navigating away from Reading. Where do you wish to go and i’m sure myself or NeverSweat could point you in the right direction, avoiding ‘all’ these restrictions. The only major ballache (and i’m thinking quickly here!) is if you are at the Sonning end of Caversham and need to get across the Thames over to Twyford or Woodley area…you can’t go over Sonning Bridge, so unfortunately, you have to go via the town, which being a major road out, is always solid at peak times.

And finally, Maltese Steve…it actually saves our day drivers 10 minutes from our depot (near the stadium) to A34/M40 j9 going out on the A4074, but that is driving like a ■■■■ in an artic as soon as they have cleared our yard gates…50 minutes instead of the hour it takes me going M4/A34 or M4/A404/M40 to the same spot…worth risking ya neck for? Incidentally, was there a rumour going around a few years ago that the council wanted a 7.5t weight limit put somewhere along that road? Admittedly, i run back in that way most mornings when empty but stick to the m/ways when loaded, but come the hours between 5 & 6am, i’m normally jacked off with the m/ways!! Stand up near one of the pubs one morning and i’ll give ya a wave…or you can watch the loons come flying through on the way out!

Got fed up with delivering cheques there years ago. Is it still a spiv town full of insurance & debt firms, and do you still have to go by those tory-voting estates with names like Winnersh, Losely, and Brokevenly? :unamused: :unamused:

Slow traffic, Gas works, and the biggest polluter I remember was concord going over at 19:30 on the dot every evening! (shows you how long ago I’m talking about!) :confused:

No NIMBY about THAT I see… The upper crust there are like Basil Fawlty, the middle classes can’t afford their mortgages, and the lower classes are on methadone assuming it wasn’t all sent to that place in sussex by mistake… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I don’t remember any decent pubs, puked on a chippy I once had that must have had bad spuds used in it, and got a ticket when I pulled up at the shell garage for some fizzy… It was 22:45 on a sunday night FFS! :angry: :angry:

The only time I can read an article about this dump that brings a smile to my face is those released cold-war maps that show you (in russian) how many megatons are allocated to each district… Even the soviets managed to miss out Winnersh, but maybe it wasn’t built by the 1970’s… :frowning: :frowning:

Maltese Steve:
If the alleged 7 minute saving is that vital, or if there are other good reasons for using the A4074, would anyone else care to comment?

Its a road that doesnt currently have restrictions on it for the parts being used.

The UK authorities have obvioiusly decided it’s a bad route for HGVs, hence the signs at Caversham Bridge. So, what else is there that negates that viewpoint?

If its bad, how many big bad lorries a day are stopped and fined for going through a restricted area? None, why not? cant be that bad then can it.

[qoute]There are already a few physical restrictions around Reading’s residential areas which prevent HGVs from using unsuitable routes, I don’t think anyone’s burnt to death yet as a result.
Just goes to prove my point above that the UK authorities dont deem the A4074 as an unsuitable piece of road.

Live with it.

Why not attack cyclists that come up the inside of vehicles and then complain cos they have been knocked off and its always the drivers fault. Dont they block the road?

I live on a main road because I am prepared to take the advantages with the dissadvantages. More than likely a hell of a lot busier than the A4074. If trucks choose to come this way - and there is an alternative that would cost even less than 7-10 minutes - then that is their chioce. You only live near it, having lived on this one for 50+ yrs (5 houses on this road), had many cars damaged, cats and dogs run over, fences wrecked by crashes and a car in the front room at one house etc, etc by car drivers, can I vote that we ban them and just leave the trucks as at least those drivers have a bit more skill! I have absolutely no sympathy or respect for nimby’s!

It seems to me reading some of the posts on here that they are the same as a lot of NIMBYS all over the uk who in the 21st century still believe it is possible to survive without hgv,s.I had all this for 34yrs while i was on the road as have countless others on tnuk.You dont get all this bigotry over the water thats why i was happiest over there,i say get a life and realize everybody needs trucks.
rant over.
regards dave.