Untaken vacancies

cannot believe that after 2 weeks only 3 people have applied for 26 tonne nights out refrigerated work out of my place at tilbury docks 8.50 an hour 61 plate mercs lazy ■■■■■■■■ out there and the 3 that have applied are from goverment backed scheme not 1 applicant from job centre plus where its added :unamused:

Is it loaded at night? do you have to sleep with the nice little 2.0l diesel enging rattling its wee bearings and bits off while you try to grab your 9 hours sleep (if your lucky)?.

Tilbury…Lovely place! I said the other day, most people in this country are lazy barstools.
A Polish guy will take it, and be good at it. Fair play to them. :sunglasses:

Mebbe everybody has got a job that pays more than £8.50 p.h.? It’s not exactly fortunes, is it? The fact you’ve had such a poor response should tell you something!

Can’t find it on the job centre website, what’s the reference number?

cannot believe that after 2 weeks only 3 people have applied for 26 tonne nights out refrigerated work out of my place at tilbury docks 8.50 an hour 61 plate mercs lazy [zb] out there and the 3 that have applied are from goverment backed scheme not 1 applicant from job centre plus where its added :unamused:

Would rather have an extra £2 ph and drive a shed.

Tilbury…Lovely place! I said the other day, most people in this country are lazy barstools.
A Polish guy will take it, and be good at it. Fair play to them. :sunglasses:

Bit harsh tiny, we not all lazy :cry: :frowning: :frowning:


Tilbury…Lovely place! I said the other day, most people in this country are lazy barstools.
A Polish guy will take it, and be good at it. Fair play to them. :sunglasses:

Bit harsh tiny, we not all lazy :cry: :frowning: :frowning:

Tiny? The OP Stated lazy ■■■■■■■■■■■■ all people I said…Most, or at least some people. :unamused:

Dont shoot the guy down just yet
Whats the overtime rate and after how many hours does it kick in
whats sat sun night rate etc
whats night out money

Is 8.50 After tax?

or is it just 8.50 straight through?

Dont shoot the guy down just yet
Whats the overtime rate and after how many hours does it kick in
whats sat sun night rate etc
whats night out money

Is 8.50 After tax?

or is it just 8.50 straight through?

Must be a simple reason that no-one wants to go there - some of the above maybe?

Just how anybody can live on 8.50 PH is completely beyond me.
Enjoy yer monkies. :wink:

cannot believe that after 2 weeks only 3 people have applied for 26 tonne nights out refrigerated work out of my place at tilbury docks 8.50 an hour 61 plate mercs lazy [zb] out there and the 3 that have applied are from goverment backed scheme not 1 applicant from job centre plus where its added :unamused:

I cant believe you want experienced drivers for such cras wages, Get a grip and increase the rates and you may get decent experienced drivers applying

61 plate mercs… are they axors? That may be the problem :laughing:

Problem is drivers think they are worth more than what they are,advertise it around the polish commmunity, ive just taken on a pole and he is far superior in his work and apperance than other applicants that i had for my driver vacancy, uk drivers need to start waking up a bit.

Working 50 hours a week gives a gross wage of £425 a week, or £22,100 a year.

On a salary of £22,100 a year, a building society would lend you £77,350, a multiple of 3.5 times your earnings.

I wonder what type of house you could buy in Tilbury for £77,350?

Dave has just pointed out that he has found a Pole to work for these type of wages, perhaps the feckless Brits should start following their example by living four to a room, whereby perhaps they could afford to work for that type of money?

Problem is drivers think they are worth more than what they are,advertise it around the polish commmunity, ive just taken on a pole and he is far superior in his work and apperance than other applicants that i had for my driver vacancy, uk drivers need to start waking up a bit.

Dave although I do not know you that is some statement. As an employer and businessman you have to make a profit.
How much do you save financially by employing your non-Brit driver.

Id jump at the chance if something like that came up round here.

8.50 doesn’t seem so bad when Im on agency doing no more than 4 shifts a week. Did a job yesterday- 7.5t for only minimum wage, and last week i did nights in a van for 7 quid an hour. Pittance i know but better than nothing.!

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cannot believe that after 2 weeks only 3 people have applied for 26 tonne nights out refrigerated work out of my place at tilbury docks 8.50 an hour 61 plate mercs lazy [zb] out there and the 3 that have applied are from goverment backed scheme not 1 applicant from job centre plus where its added :unamused:

It seems like a good job for a newbie, however I have to agree that 8.50 is a bit low. Any chance of some more details, night out money, overtime rate etc. I have tried to search on the job centre website for this but can’t find it? I have a very close friend based in gravesend who was one of the victims of the dodds closure who is desperately looking for work, I know he would jump at this.

Harry Monk:
Can’t find it on the job centre website, what’s the reference number?

Maybee this /\ is why nobody has applied from the job center :unamused:

Problem is drivers think they are worth more than what they are,advertise it around the polish commmunity, ive just taken on a pole and he is far superior in his work and apperance than other applicants that i had for my driver vacancy, uk drivers need to start waking up a bit.

Yeah…I can see it being a problem for a skinflint employer, trying to pay a decent wage to a working man, that doesn`t even provide a roof over his head. :unamused:
Next thing is…Some will be just thankful to have a job…What happened to self esteem and confidence■■?
Oh yes, it forked off with the dictionary!