Should this be a members only forum?

Again… 11 online 2 members 9 guests!

being members only would at least let us members know who is or isnt on line!
after all it is FREE to join!

IMO no because people will just not bother registering for a look, but if a guest can browse then if they can see what its like then maybe they will register


You have to register to reply do you not? They can browse, but to join in, they must join up.

Voted no, but not because I dont care. How else are we going to attract new members, if they cant see what theyre getting. Its what got me to join

Does this forum have a guest option?? If so they can input a name and a topic, we can reply and if they are worth there bread they will join. All it says below their name is guest instead of senior member etc!!



I voted no,
same reason/circumstances as Trev.

I don’t see the need to make it members only.I was a lurker for awhile until I thought the site had enough interest for me.When surfing and looking at other sites that require membership to use I find it off putting

NO. When I join any board I like to browse, read, lurk for a while to see if I want to join or not, if I have to register first to do that I don’t bother and move on.

IMHO making it members only would be a bad idea.

Why should you have to sign up to look. Afterall Id say many people look at these pages and only sign up when they want to reply - like i did. If you make these pages members only people wont come back and will have no reason to sign up as they wont see the topics.

Why would you want everyone signed up. It will reduce username options - david66 dan19 etc… and 90% of them wont be used or actually reply or post.

Again… 11 online 2 members 9 guests!

being members only would at least let us members know who is or isnt on line!
after all it is FREE to join!

guests become members who then become TruckNet users !!!


NO, how many of those guests are registered members who have not logged in and are just reading the days posts. I never log in unless I am going to reply to a post or start a topic.


One other point, while we are on it.If someone out in the www uses a search engine to find “truckers”, and if this site gets spiderd that will show up as a guest…

So Critic,you’re telling us you joined up without first browsing as a guest to see whether it was worth joining up?

The site is,as Rikki says,FREE to all,if anyone feels strongly about anything they read on these forums,I’m sure then they will join up straight away to air their own views.(Taz and RO-RO spring to mind here.What happened to those guys anyway?)

I have voted NO.


got to go with the no vote.

before i join anything i always have a look first before jumping in feet first.

never mind roro what happened to motorway madness and sal do you think he banned them :unamused: :laughing:
not seen them since either


never mind roro what happened to motorway madness and sal do you think he banned them :unamused: :laughing:
not seen them since either


Remember Jon you are never alone with a schizophrenic. :wink: :slight_smile:

I’ve voted NO as well, for the same reasons as everyone else who has posted so far.

I voted No too… I came here and found this site, and found it interesting, so I joined… If I had been asked to join first before seeing anything, I would have thought… whats the catch??.. Spam■■?.. and I would have clicked BACK, and gone else where

Voted no for much the same reasoning as those above. I wonder what reasons those who voted Yes (4 at this moment) have for thier vote?

Some good sound reasons there for voting no, I have to admit voted no because I just dont care! Live and let live, whoever might want to read of my drivel can, member or not. :laughing:
