Multi drop rules

Hello to you all iam new to the forum
I am having a job change i past my driving test before 96 so can drive 7.5 i have driven 7.5 before and used to drive when i was in the T.A.At the mo i am a ceramic tiler 25yrs and have had enough and i have allways liked driving so why not i said, i have a digital tacho so after all that my ? is what are the rules on multi drop and breaks because you stop start all day.

I edited the spelling of the title to spare your blushes :wink:

buy some â– â– â– â– â– â– ! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: that should cure it :laughing: :laughing:

dont drink so much :slight_smile: :slight_smile: and check your spelling when your posting :wink: :wink:

Hello to you all iam new to the forum
I am having a job change i past my driving test before 96 so can drive 7.5 i have driven 7.5 before and used to drive when i was in the T.A.At the mo i am a ceramic tiler 25yrs and have had enough and i have allways liked driving so why not i said, i have a digital tacho so after all that my ? is what are the rules on multi drop and breaks because you stop start all day.

I edited the spelling of the title to spare your blushes :wink:

Hi max,

The EU drivers’ hours rules are the same for everybody they affect, regardless of whether you’re on multi-drop, trunking or EU international work, but I’ve moved your post to this forum for discussion. :smiley:

dont drink so much :slight_smile: :slight_smile: and check your spelling when your posting :wink: :wink:

I can’t see a problem with the spelling. :grimacing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

The only slight difference, and this isn’t a rule as those are for the most part the same regardless of the type of work, is that VOSA will allow a little leeway on the 4.5 hour driving limit for multi-drop work. That doesn’t mean you can go over every day but the odd occasion when you go over because you have made many short driving spells between periods of other work they have said they will show a little common sense.

Thankyou all for your help…

My advice from experience is: Get a 15 in as soon as you can after starting, you can often do this whilst waiting to tip. Then take 30 in the middle of the shift. That will leave you four and a half hours to finish.

Hello Max,
Having done multi-drop for a few years and many companies through agencies. I would first of all say purchase a driver guard, and it will keep you right. You must use it properly though. The reason is that with an analogue taco you have to be good at time management, but with Digi the driving info is at hand, but your working time directive is not. I did a spell with the COOP at Harthill, through an agency. One of the routes I did was up to the North East of Scotland to Fraserbourgh for three drops and it was not far off your 4.5 but you could easily go over your six hour working time directive before moving on to Stricken, then home. On arrival at the first drop I took a 15 minute then put it on to P.O.A to extend my working time as I knew what time the first store opened, as the return journey through Aberdeen, Dundee and the Forth road bridge ate up your driving time due to traffic
If you used your drivers guard it would keep you right and by understanding your P.O.A, Other work, Break and Rest you should keep everyone happy.
If you purchase a drivers guard, as you walk through the gate into the yard press it to other work, when you get to your vehicle remember to record EDR/EWR plus time on analogue or complete manual entries on Digi.
I am no expert on the matter; it’s only my penny’s worth.