Driver Assessement Preparation

Hi once again,

I am currently still waiting for a Driver Assessement with the agency I am registerd with, who contract with M & S and Iceland. Has anyone conducted these assessements, or with any other named stores, what is the format? Time? etc.

I believe its pretty straight forward, and having driven CE (Class 1) since 1994, I should have no problems!!!

Any advice would be very much appreciated.



Hi once again,

I am currently still waiting for a Driver Assessement with the agency I am registerd with, who contract with M & S and Iceland. Has anyone conducted these assessements, or with any other named stores, what is the format? Time? etc.

I believe its pretty straight forward, and having driven CE (Class 1) since 1994, I should have no problems!!!

Any advice would be very much appreciated.



brown jify bag filled with un-used 10’s,20’s and 50’s. :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Nice one!!! I’ll bare that in mind, and do a bank run on the way!


There may be a written test on the drivers hour regulations and/or on the highway code.

There may be a vehicle walk round check.

The actual driving assessment will be based on a safe drive and not a DSA test style drive.

There may also be a reversing test but again, based on safety, and not a DSA test one - remember GOAL (Get Out And Look) if necessary.

If you do not know some thing - ASK - do not try to blag it.

Keep the drive safe, smooth and simple - no ‘clever’ stuff

Best advice I can offer is don’t do the Iceland one they ARE [zb] to work for and the loads in MY opinion are dangerous!!!

Last one I had was about 2hrs of paperwork and 10 mins of driving. Lots of questions on WTD etc. About a page or two of general road rules, parking regulations and that sort of thing. Then a walkround check including a few intentionally misplaced items (On mine it was missing toffee hammer to check the wheelnuts)

LEt us know how it goes and what it entails!


Many thanks, once again great info, just had a look on good old ‘U Tube’ and found a full walk round check for the basics. I have already completed a question sheet for the WTD and drivers hours, so i am lead to believe its mainly practical etc to complete.

I note the Iceland points!!! many thanks.



my post vaished…hmmmmmm :confused: :confused: gremlins in the system.


I’ve got a walkround sheet which I use, I had a VOSA officer help me draft it up, and I complete it at every walkround, everytime I’ve been stopped I’ve produced it and its kept them happy that I did my checks ok.

If you’d like, PM me and I’ll send you a copy, if you don’t have a walkround sheet of your own it might look good if you pull one out when asked to do it ?


Hi Alex,

Thats great, and would be very useful indeed, i’ll PM you now.



if it is anything like iceland in livingston i wouldnt worry too much. you will pass or fail based on whether or not your face fits. when they introduced assessments for agency drivers a lot of my agencies drivers failed for the stupidest things. i was in there every day so i didnt do one as they knew me well enough. i have got one booked for tesco on sunday though. theory test, some stuff in the yard then a shop delivery. expected time scale is between 5 and 8 hours. considering i have completed hundreds of deliveries for them i find it to be an insult and as i am chucking in driving soon i cant even guarantee i will complete the assessment due to the huge chip on my shoulder about it :imp:

I know how you feel!!!

Did the Iceland assessment in Warrington.

Guy was a complete ■■■■■■.

Right, I did 1 of those drives, you know when everything goes your way.
Then, back in the yard, I’d like you to blind-side in between these 2 trailers (2 empty spaces, so not too bad).
Straight in I goes, never done such a perfect reverse correct side never mind blind side.

He tells me he has a few problems with my driving…

  1. Not doing blind spot checks - I ride a motorbike, I do them all the time, I explained that I didn’t make them obvious as I’m not on a driving test.
  2. I stopped ‘over a white line’ at a red light. - when queried, I didn’t go past it, I stopped over it■■? Not sure his problem there
  3. When doing the blind side, I never got out and checked if anything was behind me■■?
    Ok, now, I don’t know about u lot, but, before I reverse in anywhere, I’ve drove past it, had a good look, judged it etc.
    Also, whilst I’m walking up and down the side of my truck, what’s stopping someone walking up and down the other side, nicking phone / sat nav or just being behind the truck when I’m back in it?? There was a fence to 3 sides, only me and him about and whilst in the cab, I’ve got mirrors which mean I will see if someone goes behind my truck…

Anyway, got a phone call next day asking if I’d go in there at 5am the day after, no was my answer.

Mad dan:
Best advice I can offer is don’t do the Iceland one they ARE [zb] to work for and the loads in MY opinion are dangerous!!!

I done 4 shifts there and its very dangerous in my opinion. Not to mention a complete shambles. Hopefully, for the guys who are there (for their flat £9 an hr come rain or shine) they’ve improved now they have a bunch of new units and trailers.

Cannae see it though.

Thanks guys for the info…sounds like some of these assessements can be from each end of the scale!!! Think i’ll just have to take it as it comes, however, blind side reverse!!! lovely…i’m sure the assessor would have nailed it!!!

Great info from you all, i have been waiting for an assessment since Mid Jan now, just want to get on the road, as i am now also looking for permanent employment after 23 years in the Army, fingers crossed they wil give me a call soon.



I’ve had a few assessments and met a few so-called assessors. Beware of the friendly ones. Make sure you take charge of the procedings. If you’re unfamiliar with the gearbox, ASK. If possible take a short drive around the yard to familiarise yourself. Tell the assessor what you are going to do, e.g. your walk around check. Make sure he/she doesn’t interupt you, if necessary tell him politely to shut up, he’s there to assess, not distract you. Ask if there are any company rules you should observe, e.g. no split coupling etc. Same when you start to drive. Make it clear you are in charge of the vehicle. Tell him to give you directions in good time, in a clear voice and not to engage you in conversation. Remember you’re usually alone in the cab with no passenger to chat to. When reversing ask him to leave the cab and observe at a safe distance. If you’re uncertain about the space, as has been said, get out and look! A shunt or three should be acceptable, damage won’t be! A competant driver should pass an assessment. If he tries to fail you, ask why. If he’s wrong, tell him so, he may only be the unlicenced yard shunter! His boss has the final word.

OK, if your face don’t fit you won’t get the job but you can walk away knowing that’s the reason, not your abilities.

Hi once again,

I am currently still waiting for a Driver Assessement with the agency I am registerd with, who contract with M & S and Iceland. Has anyone conducted these assessements, or with any other named stores, what is the format? Time? etc.

I believe its pretty straight forward, and having driven CE (Class 1) since 1994, I should have no problems!!!

Any advice would be very much appreciated.



At the site I work from (Iceland - Swindon) you’ll get a questionaire about drivers regs, wtd, all that jazz. An introduction to the bucket loads of paperwork, a series of do’s and don’ts, a license check and then a practical exercise involving collecting a unit hooking up to a trailer, the walk round check, then a road test. back to the depot and a reversing onto a bay/into a lane, uncouple. The guys doing the assesment are all assessor drivers, and if you don’t give cause for concern should pass.

They don’t go out of thier way to create problems, do expect a good standard of appearance, form filling, courtesy and driving. As all the Iceland sites are managed by DHL I would expect them to be similar.

TIP :- The daily activity sheet has all the walk round checks on the back so just work through that (don’t just tick the sheet off) and you’ll pick up all the key areas. If you don’t know where the fluid level indicators are ASK and if low fill up to level. Good Luck.

Tell him to give you directions in good time,

and make sure they are the right directions. my assessor tried to take me to ■■■■■■■■■■■ instead of coatbridge :laughing:

Thats Great advice from you all…and all noted!



good luck Jay. i spent 3 days worrying about my assessment and talking to drivers to get a heads up and in the end i sailed through it. the guy i got was a driver and pretty laid back though which obviously worked in my favour which was sheer luck. half the battle is the attitude of the assessor. the rest is just exxagerating the safety aspects of the job for a few hours. just remember what you were taught and apply some of it. the main points my assessor was looking for was the use of parking brake on unit and trailer. parking brake on unit before you exit, check the parking brake is applied on the trailer before backing under, manually apply the parking brake on the trailer first when dropping, pull the handle last. these are the things that he seemed to be looking for as instant fails. the rest is what you normally do anyway with a little more emphasis on observation so he can see you are watching whats going on