Vosa's new fixed penalty scheme

  1. vosa man gives you a fine, smile, be polite, say nothing that may incriminate you.
  2. don’t pay it.
  3. attend the magistrates court.
  4. plead not guilty, and elect trial by jury.

the charge will probably be dropped altogether, or lowered to a lesser charge.
if they offer you the lesser charge, you are already winning, refuse the lesser charge.

the on the spot fines are low for a reason. it’s so people will pay instead of going to court, then vosa get a pat on the back for accumulating mp’s beer tokens.

if you are fined for tacho offences, then just remember what has been ruled by several judges.
“tachographs are not legal documents.”
that’s what the judges say, not me.

you are required by law to keep a written record. so do it. if you are over your hours write it in a diary with a brief explanation, you’ve then done what the law requires.
for example. you are stuck in traffic due to a heavy snow fall and several accidents, you end up over your spreadover and driving time. so you write it all down in your diary, so you can revert back to it. if you don’t, then how do they know what the reason is.
i can’t remember everything i did last tuesday, can you?