stiller group

does (or has) any one worked for stillers?
thinking of applying for a job they have vacant in my area and would like to know what they are like to work for :wink:
cheers. :slight_smile:

Last months Truck+Driver had an indepth look at an O/D who pulls for Stillers with a flashy gold Renault Premium 420 DCI.His moby number was clearly visible in the photo’s,Might be worth belling him up?

Big Truck I dont that was Stillers,it was a Bulk Tipper Company.

There was an article in T&D some while ago about Stillers and a lot in the letters pages about poor rates/ vehicles - if you can get hold of back copies check it out.

how can you put that picture
fast times at ridgemont high what a film classsssssic :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

burger flipping :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: wheres tony? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Stillers took over the Henderson Garage Door contract from TDG, the lads I worked with managed to talk Stillers into a Payrise, they now get around £5.25ph for Rigids, but my mate was saying that the Artic Drivers are on less than that around £5 ph I think.

Somebody will know the actual rates they get though

I think i’m right in saying that stillers have also bought Pete Osbourne. They have the flagship T-cab for sale in commercial motor. The unit is £54,00 and the curtainsider is £11,00.

the vacancy advertised is for a wagon & drag doing trunking work to birmingham.doesnt say if its nights or not though :open_mouth:
they are paying £6 per hour for that :confused:

You are right Shaggy. Pete Osborne was bought out by Stillers last year. Still seems to run as an independent company judging by the Pete Osborne units & trailers I see. Wonder how the drivers like the change?


MOP+BUCKET… :wink: :wink: :wink:

MOP+BUCKET… :wink: :wink: :wink:

NUFF SAID…lmao… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: did you like gurners foto tony? made me chuckle ever so slightly…

p.s are you the one with the spatula? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The guy with the 007 Premium subbed for Stennetts. There was a guy on here a while ago who didn’t have many good words to say for Stillers. Although i’ve done a search on these and the old forums and can’t seem to find his post.

Photo was great had me chuckling too :exclamation: Posh looking mop +bucket… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


i wonder who this is for :laughing:

friend of mine was offered work at stillers… out of aycliffe…only last month . money offered was £5.17 per hour…needless to say he didnt take the offer… :unamused:

At last count “as far as I can remember” they were paying in the region of £5.70 pulling from Stockton :imp:

Might be more now cos that was bout 12 months ago
