That was that then.

Im really sorry to hear that Keith, and i was going to give it a month or three and tap you up for a job!! That seems to be the way things are going though. I was in Greece a couple of weeks ago, saw an English right hand drive truck and decided to be sociable, the driver was Hungarian, got to Italy at a well known groupage place, a double manned team in a right hand drive 124 were there, went to speak to them, a window was open, they werent English, turned out they were 2 Bulgarians. Its happening here as well, cheap labour for more profit. Very sad state of affairs :blush: William was guilty of the same towards the end of Onsala though. i dont suppose you can blame them, but it screws the job up for the rest of us. not everyone wants to be Monday to Friday, i dont anyway, but we dont seem to get a choice when they take on cheap labour, when we would do the job with a BIG smile, but to the cheap labour its just a job. i hope this message makes sense as ive just got in from pub :laughing: :unamused: i really do feel for you Keith, i know how much it all means to you mate. Carl