4th November 1986

Well, that`s the date I passed my test.

Anyone else have their test date indelibly burned into their brain? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


7th may 1989 day before my 18th :open_mouth:
Did a duel test in hgv 2 so ive never passed a car test


You shouldn’t be able to forget,as it’ll be on your licence.


16th November 1987, I know that because the date is on the tacho disc that I have in a little frame on my wall. :smiley:

Car test 13th Jan '77
HGV 14th jan '82

intelligence Test 13 Nov '82 (results: ZERO - got married :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: )

You shouldn’t be able to forget,as it’ll be on your licence.


It`s not on my licence. Just the last date I changed address.

[Eeh, in the old days] I used to have a little brown leather book with gold-leaf lettering and hand-written certificates lovingly pasted into it. That gave my test pass date. [/Eeh, in the old days]. My photolicence doesn`t.

But my point is this. I can remember that day like yesterday. I won`t ever forget THAT day or date! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I seem to remember it being the day from hell! I had an Evil, Evil, Evil instructor who seemed determined to fail me. lol Maybe that was my imagination. I went all round Skipton on market day. 19th August.

Passed my class 1 on it was either Aug or Sept 1980, thats as good as I can do Im afraid!


i’m trying to forget…i’ve been on a slippery slope downhill ever since that fateful day lol :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Passed mine on a fri 13TH …class 1…been moaning `bout the WONGA ever since :exclamation:

You cant keep a GOOD` man down :wink:

Motor Bike Test. First time failed ‘insufficient use of steering wheel’ Eh? :confused:

2nd time with Territorial Army at summer camp. They lent me a 1940’s BSA with solid front forks for a whole day round the sunny lanes of E. Yorks. to practice.
No helmet. Wind in hair. Wonderful, except for bruised shoulders!
Test Sergeant looked doubtful, then said ‘well, OK then’ and gave me the little pink slip.

Car Test about 1963. Went out same day and got a job on a little Commer as Co-op Pop Man.

Truck Test. Never had to.

CPC. Never had to.

There are compensations in being old :smiley:

Salut, David.

Car test:12/08/88 (day before my 18th birthday,what a sore head I had!!)

LGV 2 26/11/02

LGV 1 17/11/03

Still very much a newbie,but learning loads every day(already done over 20,000kms in class 1 since last November)


I can’t remember my pcv or my class 2 of the top of my head, but I know my car test was the 21/08/1998 which was also the day before my 18th Birthday!! How odd that there’s at least 3 of us on here that passed the day before our 18th Birthday!

I passed sometime in 1985-4th attempt!!!
My wife Debbie passed before me, first time , after 40 hours
She has never let me forget it!!!
rgds Mike

Friday 2nd November 1979.

The following Monday I was up the road.

And haven’t been back since lol