Required notice for employer to change my starting time?




My 9 hour rests are taken when they suit ME.

[=“DCPCFML”] quote]

On very rare occasions where a usually straighforward job has FUBAR’d which couldn’t have reasonably been foreseen and run to a 15 hr day, I will usually agree to only having a 9 off at home so as to start back on schedule again the next day.

If you’ve worked a 15hr day, then you’re considered as having a 9hr break, regardless as to what time you start back. :smiley:

I’m not sure what your point is? I never said anything to the contrary.

Sorry, no point per say; it’s just a peeve of mine, and one whenever I get the opportunity, I like to champion that fact. There’s so many youngsters not comprehending the whole “24hr” thing. Thinking as long as they have 11+ hours break following their duty they haven’t taken a reduced break. I’m in no way insinuating that’s you. Friends?.. :laughing: