Working for Manfreight

It’s obvious is it not that trip money is designed for one thing…to get the last drop of blood out of you, in a similar vein to an incentive bonus which I believe is illegal, as it compromises road safety.
How any driver would want to work on those terms beats me,.and I couldn’t give a [zb] what kind of top range motor with [zb] spotlights they would provide…for me they could ram it right up their arse,.and pay me a proper wage on hourly rate instead.

Have you ever did trip money on the continent
It did not always work in your favour all of the time but mostly it was up to you how much you wanted to earn
It was good in its heyday and that’s when you had to cross borders and do customs
If you were doing it now you would owe money to the haulier because you can only drive 9 hours now, and every ■■■■■■ watching you
How boring, bored out of your tree waiting to do your job sitting on your hole, yet you can do 15 hours if you’re breaking your bollox pulling pallets on or off your trailer or sitting waiting for a load
It’s a ■■■■■■■ joke bring back the days you could decide yourself how to do things