Slippery when cold

I’m not one who likes to go on about how things were better 20 years ago, but this makes me think this never used to happen.

If it was a 1 in 3 hill I could perhaps see a rational, but someone falling off a pushbike doesn’t justify it to me. … slips-ice/

It depends on the definition of ‘icy’.It can mean icy enough and steep enough for stationary vehicles with brakes applied to just slide along the road out of control.As for cyclists no one wants to get involved in their accident.The law have probably got it right it’s not worth it.

negligence personal injury parasites,snowflakes and health and insanity tree huggers sums it up nowadays where nobody wants to take responsibility for anything.

The article states vehicles were struggling to negotiate the lane. It also states cars were unable to stop putting the public and crews on site at danger.

It didn’t get closed just because a cyclist fell off his bike.

So try harder next time. I am not keen on cyclicts like most but suggesting it was because of a cyclist alone is a poor attempt at trolling or being anti cycling.

I’m not one who likes to go on about how things were better 20 years ago, but this makes me think this never used to happen.

If it was a 1 in 3 hill I could perhaps see a rational, but someone falling off a pushbike doesn’t justify it to me. … slips-ice/

20 years ago, social media and the internet isn’t what it is today with everyone connected and hearing about local news all over the globe.

20 years ago, if it wasn’t mentioned on the TV or local or national newspapers, you likely weren’t going to hear about it

Liability and insurance, “Where there’s blame, there’s a claim” culture has grown too

Cost cutting isn’t what it was 20 years ago and that route might have even been gritted or other pre-emptive action taken, as opposed to just closing it.

20 years ago if I fell off my bike I would keep it to myself. I probably still would if I could keep it off social media and Harry Hill

Wheel Nut:
20 years ago if I fell off my bike I would keep it to myself. I probably still would if I could keep it off social media and Harry Hill

Yea we were tougher then, fell off your bike, broke a leg, crawl to the kerb, find a couple of sticks and some vine make your own splint and get back on you bike ride home and take a couple of aspirin, back in the Mill the next day, people today expect an ambulance, no wonder the NHS is struggling. :laughing:

Yea we were tougher then, fell off your bike, broke a leg, crawl to the kerb, find a couple of sticks and some vine make your own splint and get back on you bike ride home and take a couple of aspirin, back in the Mill the next day, people today expect an ambulance, no wonder the NHS is struggling. :laughing:

The broken arms and legs are nothing but falling on the handlebars resulting in a ruptured spleen/liver/bowel is a bit more difficult.Bicycles are the devils work and best avoided and that’s just if you’re just trying to overtake one let alone thinking of riding one and that’s on a dry road let alone on ice. :wink: