We are being shafted

Why is it that ANY other job in ANY job centre offers o/t AFTER 8 hours.■■? Yet in transport they pay o/t after flogging you for 40 hours■■? I see job after job in driving stateing o/t after 40 hours AS IF THEY ARE DOING YOU A FAVOUR :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: What is it with us lot as PROFESSIONALS Do we have no self respect/lack self esteem/confidence To stand up and say HANG ON A MINUTE HERE BUT THIS O/T AFTER 40 HOURS IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: Or DO WE LACK THE INTERLECT TO EVEN notice… :open_mouth:

This is posted with RESPECT and should not be taken in a desrespectful way BUT IS IT JUST ME OR DO YOU LOT THINK ALONG THE SAME LINES. :question:

DRIVER SHORTAGE :question: YOU WONDER WHY. FAT GREEDY TMS WANT TO WAKE UP :exclamation: The new young blood coming into this industrty WONT STAND FOR IT. The days of if you dont like it park it up are coming to an end, WE are now saying YOU PAY ME OR YOU PARK IT UP :exclamation: NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND. And there it will stay… :wink: (PARKED)

Tony. I get time and half after 40 hours but I also get garanteed 10 hours each day on a 4 day week so anything above my standard day is at OT rate. Maybe I’m one of the luckier drivers and I certainly don’t feel taken advantage of in the way that your posts suggest you do.


From birth Tone old lad, from birth! … :wink:


Why is it that ANY other job in ANY job centre offers o/t AFTER 8 hours.■■? Yet in transport they pay o/t after flogging you for 40 hours■■? I see job after job in driving stateing o/t after 40 hours AS IF THEY ARE DOING YOU A FAVOUR

Tony, have I got the wrong end of the stick here 'cause, by my calculations, if you work 5 days with a minimum of 8 hours per day, you would be doing 40 hours per week. So you would also be getting paid o/t after 8 if you did more.

I get overtime after 8 every shift, and none is taken back if there is no work and im sent home on guaranteed paid 8 hours.

also if you notice, a lot of theses shylarks will say o/t but it aint time n a half. say its £6.00 per hor . they offer summik like £7.oo as an overtime rate…ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… :laughing: :laughing:

When I lived there I only found one firm that paid O/T after 40 and i never went there, even for the short few weeks on an agency they paid O/T after 8.

Hi Tony,

You are quite correct by stating that we are being shafted. It is not only in this industry as I can vouch for other jobs I have done that did not pay overtime after eight hours.

As an employer paying you overtime after forty hours is a good thing for them. If you work ten hours a day for four days but are sick on the friday they have saved the company eight hours of overtime pay!

I agree that if you work over eight hours in one day you should be paid overtime. That overtime should also be at time and a half.

We live in a country that is the sweatshop of Europe. Long hours, short holidays, poorly paid and no perks. Get used to it because it won’t be changing.

The Government (Ha!!!) should introduce a law that states after your basic hours you get time and a half, Sundays are double time and if you work a Bank Holiday (one of the few we get compared to our friends in mainland Europe) it is double time and a day off.

Can you see any politician ever trying to introduce a bill like this? Me neither!!!

Moan over

In fact you have it very easy back there.

I get inundated with messages asking how to get over here driving and if those people really knew the conditions for drivers here they would think twice about it.

Overtime (if any) is paid after 40 but in transport most companies pay straight hours. If you go outside a 100 mile radius you get paid by the mile and not for sitting waiting to load or unload. For about the first two or three years you get one years paid holiday and you must work one year to get it, some companies do not pay it. we get 9 recognised state holidays, if they fall on a weekend hard luck, you don’t get paid it and don’t get a day off in leu, if you work it you don’t get paid extra.

The equipment is garbage compared to a Scania, MAN etc.

Hey pat just for us who are interested in it, what is the the law for drivers in the usa,dont mean chapter and verse,but the way it reads to me you dont get paid for sitting in the cab,and are 40 hours good enough to have a good living.ps I lived in the usa for over 12 months and dont think it,s the promised land.

Hey pat just for us who are interested in it, what is the the law for drivers in the usa,dont mean chapter and verse,but the way it reads to me you dont get paid for sitting in the cab,and are 40 hours good enough to have a good living.ps I lived in the usa for over 12 months and dont think it,s the promised land.

It depends on who you drive for. I haul mail for the USPS and I am paid hourly, ALL HOURS. All hours worked are straight time. I work 45.5 hours a week on a bid run. We are paid for 10 holidays too. The bid I’m on pays $20.79 an hour.

Hey Pat, the company I work for is hiring drivers in NC. Go to http://www.mailcontractors.com They hire from online applications.


Hey pat just for us who are interested in it, what is the the law for drivers in the usa,dont mean chapter and verse,but the way it reads to me you dont get paid for sitting in the cab,and are 40 hours good enough to have a good living.ps I lived in the usa for over 12 months and dont think it,s the promised land.

It depends on who you drive for. I haul mail for the USPS and I am paid hourly, ALL HOURS. All hours worked are straight time. I work 45.5 hours a week on a bid run. We are paid for 10 holidays too. The bid I’m on pays $20.79 an hour.

Hey Pat, the company I work for is hiring drivers in NC. Go to http://www.mailcontractors.com They hire from online applications.

A maths guru I aint Hairbear, but that comes over like a good number to me!! :slight_smile:


Hey pat just for us who are interested in it, what is the the law for drivers in the usa,dont mean chapter and verse,but the way it reads to me you dont get paid for sitting in the cab,and are 40 hours good enough to have a good living.ps I lived in the usa for over 12 months and dont think it,s the promised land.

Hairbear has it exeptionaly good.

Most compamies pay by the mile with no pay for waiting to load or unload and thats the norm. I have met drivers for very large firms who sometime sit around for days with no pay waiting for a back haul.
My company pay by the mile plus $10 for every delivery, $15 for every pick up, $10 to switch trailers and $30 for a lay over or if you go over 600 miles in one day or trip (which is quite normal in one day). Due to my own refusal to sit around for nothing they will also pay hourly after a period of 4 hours waiting or unloading, they also pay $50 if I get in the back of the trailer and assist unloading. I will only 'Live load if I am away from home or at least over 100 miles away on a return trip, if they want me to live load in this area then go i only do it for hourly pay up to when I am loaded and traveling.
My company is quite exceptional in that aspect too, other firms will not pay for live loading.
I seem to get preferential treatment because I am English and most customers ask for me, in other words ‘The firm does not want to loose me’ this is why as i have stated before, my boss wants british drivers.

A an extra incentive, since the new hours started we do not wait, if not reloaded in an hour we return empty, most of the regular reaload places now have our trailers dropped and reload them overnight so we just switch and go.

Pat a question about terminology.

What does “liveloading” mean? Is it when you physically do the loading in place of “lumpers” or maybe a distinction between pallets and handball?

i get paid time and a half after eight hours,mon-sat double time sunday and treble time bank holidays,34 days paid holidays. thats 25stat and 9 bank holidays, can’t complain,guaranteed to be working 12hours mon-fri.don’t work the weekends yes thats my choice.rather do o/t mon-fri than have to go out at weekends to make a decent wage.