Sleeping in cabs on ferries - safety warning issued

ive starded a couple of epidemics myself when ive seen them put out the sick bags.
heres how it works.
shovel in your tea in the truckies lounge.
put some fruit salad or whatever into a sick bag.
dont forget to steal a fork on the way out for a stroll to check out the available ■■■■■.
at a suitable point during the crossing,sit with as many passengers as possible.
go through the motions of loudly vomiting into the aforementioned sick bag containing the fruit salad.
once you know everybody is atching you,then closely examine the contents of the aforementioned sick bag…produce the fork from your pocket,pick out something nice and start to eat it…then see how many passengers bolt for the bags and toilets… :smiley:

My god, brilliant.