LGV licence before 21?

Harry Monk:


Virtually all on the newbies forum will agree that £3K all in is about right for B to CE

I really can not understand anybody shelling out all that cash to start this crap.
Can somebody point out to me the attraction exactly? :open_mouth:

50p an hour over minimum wage.

Nowadays drivers get sacked because the tracker tells the planner that the driver has stopped for an unauthorised ■■■■, which is against company policy.

I wouldn’t do the job now if I was starting out again.

Me either Harry, I reckon the likes if us had the best days of it.
There is no way in hell I’d be attracted to it today the way it has gone.

As for everybody knocking tramping for being the pits :laughing: (assuming you’re all ‘‘Me own bed/I wouldn’t kip in a tin box’’ daymen btw :unamused: :smiley: ) …it never used to be, it’s a combination of lack of decent parking and stupid drivers turning it into an endurance excercise by succumbing to pressure on the phone.
I plan my day more or less around where I’m going to park, somewhere where I can get out and go for a meal , maybe a pint.
Ok I know that aint always possible but if you’re one of these chumps who run to 8.59 hours and park in some back and beyond lay by or MSA every night, then it’s correct, yeh,… the tramping job IS crap.