Taking breaks on the pump

my worst wait must have been close on 45mins (small truckstop on the prairies on highway1)from when I pulled up behind to when I got fueled and away!!was middle o the night couldn’t move on as not enough fuel to get to next stop with card I could use was 3 hrs away. :imp: sure I put this on the expats side a while back …******** was having a meal in the restaurant didn’t even fuel up…and I was the bad guy in his eyes for complaining…the driver behind me was going ape and I mean total all the way ape after I walked up and told him it wasn’t me holding him up…The **** moved to let me on after manager and myself confronted him in front o him and his friends at the table …….lets just say the guy behind me was a " night flier" and was on a 1300km shift in 13hrs driving time and he passed me like a raped ape about half an hr later and I was running hot to get home on this shift.