
The first year I started driving in North America everything was new and fun and different. I was driving along at 65 on a nice spring morning when I saw 4 wild turkeys on the verge in front of me, I suppose eating and staring about as they do.

I know they can’t fly, so I was just enjoying watching them, they are quite colorful actually, when the one nearest the road taught me that they can in fact fly quite efficiently and indeed can take off at about a 40 degree angle. She got to the middle of my lane at windscreen height very quickly, too quickly for me to react anyway, and hitting a 20lb bird at 65 made a noise that freaked me out completely but luckily it hit right on the curve of the window at its strongest point and didn’t break the screen. I’ve not trusted one since I can tell you.

I read later that summer of a driver in Quebec who hit one square on and it came right through the screen spraying blood feathers and ■■■ all around the cab as it ran and flew about while taking an age to die. Made quite a big insurance claim getting it all put right.

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