Services or truckstops that doesn't allow fridges


To be fair to the op, he is not moaning about fridges running.
He is just trying to avoid them.
I’ve been on reefers for years.
I have therefore no axe to grind.
I think the problem now is when they stop and start.

Put mine on constant, drop temp down at bedtime, if it’s +3 or +7 gets turned off.

I agree with you.
When I started this job fridges were analogue, so no stop and start.
I liked it.
Constant drone, good sleep.
I wouldn’t dream about moaning, but, I do admit to giving fridges a wide berth.
Only because of fuel saver.
When I park up at night with reefer behind me it is switched off.
But, the box contains live plants.
Keep it running boys and girls.