Stay Safe Out There People

No, that’s not what I meant by “Fear”. That’s still to come.

What is already evident though, is that there are a disproportionate number of TfL drivers who do not have the knowledge, were not born in this country, avoid paying taxes, and claim full tax credits, thanks to the government previously making it easier for the self-employed via agency to claim thus. You buy one car, get tax relief on that purchase, and then share it between 4-5 members of your family (all male of course) who all claim maxed-out tax credits for working at least 30 hours a week, meaning that car must never bloody stop moving, if you think about it.
Such “job sharing” also means that because of the tax credit top-up, you don’t actually need to be driving many “fares” about. The job is there for the tax credits, rather than for the actual income of fares. this also allows and encourages people to take sub-minimum waged jobs as well, of course.

Because you’re “already working” - you don’t get pressured to sign on (when it might be inconvienient to your lifestyle) and don’t get forced to take jobs at places like MacD’s.

The weakness in the system is that “anyone can be a TfL driver”. You don’t need integrity, “The Knowledge”, nor even be able to speak English.

Now we’ve got a Muslim Lawyer running the show as well - the rate of TfL abuses - can only increase, with it being just too politically correct to even try and slow down what has now become institutioned “Jobs for Non-White Londoners”. “Black Cabs”, meanwhile - if you look at this traditional London Cabbie that DOES have “The Knowledge” - It’s all bloody well about Whorboys if you do internet searches! Oh how well the Politically Correct media have fudged THAT one - eh? :imp: :imp: :angry: