What's the biggest story you've heard

I was once sitting in a very crowded BP truckstop outside Wolverhampton one Wednesday night when some very nice Irish bloke asked if he could sit at my table because every other one was occupied, he placed a back pack under my table and we got chatting, he told me he was trying to get a lift to Stranrear and the ship to Belfast because he was heading to Dublin, I said “Why don’t you try getting to Holyhead and then to Dublin as it’s much quicker ?”
“I’ll let you into a secret” he said. “I’m wanted by the law and if I go that way I’ll be caught, I killed a ■■■■■■’ policeman in Yorkshire”
I was stunned and speechless, then he grinned and said “I’m only having yer on yer idjit” and started laughing. I was relieved but all the same after he left I did look under the table to make sure he took the back pack. The following Saturday his face :laughing: was on the front page of every news paper in the UK, he was wanted for terrorism and the murder of a cop. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Not all of these people with tall tales are lying :laughing:
I went to the police and told then about what happened and I said he seemed such a nice bloke. “Well he’s not going to sit down and tell you he’s a murder is he ?”
“Yes, in actual fact he did” I replied :laughing: