Professional my arse



dieseldog999: … avofreitas

Look at the position of the seat and the steering wheel. :open_mouth: :laughing: Car drivers trying to drive trucks. :unamused:

What’s your point?
The days have gone when you were hunched over the wheel of your TK Bedford like Quasimodo with L plates on, with your head tilted forward in order for you to see under the top of the windscreen. :unamused:
Modern trucks can be driven in comfort.
Seat down to floor, backrest right back.( far back as you can in a [zb] Actros :unamused: ) and steering wheel as low as it goes and as far back as it goes for me.

and then look for a bump in the road to drive over and knock the ash off of your ■■■…laid back or what? :smiley: