Smart motorway saving time?

Wonder how long it’ll take to get back all the hours / days / weeks lost per regular commuter, van or truck over the time it took to make the motorway “smart”?

As for why complain - mostly because it takes years and millions of our taxes to do each stretch and the only night working they do is on little bits which causes miles of traffic jams at 2am (M1 J23 to 25 being classic example).

All of this so we can save supposedly 30 mins a day, presumably only applicable during rush hours until someone breaks down then its a jam again.

Then the patronising git on the radio advert says we should crawl to tiny layby which is only big enough for a car and break down there so as not to inconvenience Mr Audi. Its about as safe as parking on the hard shoulder for a 45 for RAC person.

Rant over - directed entirely at HM Gov transport bods and not supermultiblue, honest! :smiley: