Something to be really proud of?


Jesus Christ…I wonder what the next wheeze will be.

In order to save on expensive taxation we’re going down the “self regulation” route. Works well in finance and banking doesn’t it?

Except that Earned Recognition is not ‘self regulation’ at all.

To the OP: Ignore the usual driver-knows-best, opinion presented as fact merchants. Earned Recognition participation is as much a benefit for your employer as it is DVSA. Companies can only be accepted as part of it after an audit by a third party and information on compliance standards is transmitted (or not, as the case may be if all is well) by software from other third parties. The make-believe stories of DVSA being able to access firms’ data at will is ■■■■■■■■, as well.

Albion knows this already as I believe she was at the same Backhouse Jones seminar as me some time ago. Then again, I’m sure that there are some on here whose exposure to RDC waiting rooms and the geniuses within them means that they know transport law better than the £325 per hour Backhouse twins.