Tramping with a skin condition

Might be a strange one for some but just wondering if any drivers suffer with a skin condition such as Psoriasis or Eczema and how they manage to control it during a week out tramping? I have Psoriasis and have done for 23 years but having only recently ( this year ) started Class 1 driving my objective is to do tramping once I have gained more experience as I have no kids and single so perfect for me so I was wondering how others manage with it being away from lets say the luxury of a bath to soak in

Might be a strange one for some but just wondering if any drivers suffer with a skin condition such as Psoriasis or Eczema and how they manage to control it during a week out tramping? I have Psoriasis and have done for 23 years but having only recently ( this year ) started Class 1 driving my objective is to do tramping once I have gained more experience as I have no kids and single so perfect for me so I was wondering how others manage with it being away from lets say the luxury of a bath to soak in

I have had Psoriasis since the mid-70’s and it has never been an issue, remarks like your face is falling off weren’t uncommon. I am currently on a medication for IBD and this treats both conditions.

I suffer from Psoriasis, mainly on my elbows and a couple of knuckles, used to have it really bad on my legs which cleared up after going in the sea abroad.

Basically I try and leave it alone although if stressed I will pick my elbows so bad that my driver’s side looks like I’ve spilled a bowl of muesli on it.

I’ve tried creams varying from steroid to witch doctor with mixed results. The sun and trying to remain stress free helps, not easy in this job.

Any bout of road rage will get me flaking like a leper.

Try leaving it alone for a bit, hopefully your not one of these poor buggers who is plastered in it.

Have heard black soap is good so try some in your wash kit. But it’s an individual thing what works for one may not work for all.

A lot depends on where the psoriasis gets you, the old man kindly passed it on, mainly legs for me but also every now and again ‘in the crease’, quite unpleasant/ annoying when it flared, but don’t recall it being an issue during the 10 years I slept in the lorry most nights, probably too knackered.

My late sister’s scalp used to be the worst place for her, but she didn’t do nights out, as far as I know.

Mine cleared up after I got married :open_mouth: perhaps the added stress was just too much for my system!

Well mine was all over my body then last year was put on Methotrexate and wow, it cleared most of it up but still have patches, it was the question of yes you can keep it moisturised only so much but only a bath can really soothe it so do you just grasp it and cope with it during the week until you get home? Must admit it is a horrible condition to suffer with and would not wish it on anyone, it missed all my brothers and bang…hit me instead haha.

The sun does do mine good but unfortunately I do not cope with the sun too well or should I say it is my lovely milk white skin that don’t, I end up looking like a baboons ■■■ after a day in the sun!

Had it flare up in my mid 30s never had it previously,highly individual but found that Dovobet cream and cutting out eating chocolate helped clear it up,used to have it on elbow,forearm and severe on shins,can be sorted,good luck

Seawater does mine a world of good. Get wet in the sea as often as you can then! To a lesser extent, the Chlorine in swimming pool water seems to work somewhat as well. Lido water is better than indoor pool water btw.

Whilst driving and getting a flare-up - I stick big plasters over the patches, so I don’t chaff myself to death under my belt otherwise.
(I get regular flare-ups around the waist)

Seawater does mine a world of good. Get wet in the sea as often as you can then! To a lesser extent, the Chlorine in swimming pool water seems to work somewhat as well. Lido water is better than indoor pool water btw.

Whilst driving and getting a flare-up - I stick big plasters over the patches, so I don’t chaff myself to death under my belt otherwise.
(I get regular flare-ups around the waist)

Winseer I went to Cornwall last year and went in the sea and for a few weeks after my skin was amazing, down there again next weekend but I feel very conscious of it as you probably understand so I am very careful about people seeing me etc

If the shower or bath water temperature is too high, you will wash out the oil in your skin.
As others have said, sea water is a cure, and the sun helps .
Best regards, the Elephant Man.

My Psoriasis is almost all gone. Down to one very small patch on my elbow.
My treatment as advised by my dermatologist was Dovonex ointment combined with as much sunshine as I could get.
I went to Spain for 2 weeks every year and after every trip abroad the patches would get smaller and smaller.

I highly reccomend the sunshine method. I was also advised to go to Jordan and sunbathe in the Dead Sea. The minerals in the water are meant to be good and the atmosphere there filters out a lot of the harmfull UV rays of the sun as its so far below sea level. However what stopped me was I heard reports that there is bugger all to do there but just lay around and read. Hence why I opted for Spain so I could combine it with getting round and exploring.

My Psoriasis is almost all gone. Down to one very small patch on my elbow.
My treatment as advised by my dermatologist was Dovonex ointment combined with as much sunshine as I could get.
I went to Spain for 2 weeks every year and after every trip abroad the patches would get smaller and smaller.

I highly reccomend the sunshine method. I was also advised to go to Jordan and sunbathe in the Dead Sea. The minerals in the water are meant to be good and the atmosphere there filters out a lot of the harmfull UV rays of the sun as its so far below sea level. However what stopped me was I heard reports that there is bugger all to do there but just lay around and read. Hence why I opted for Spain so I could combine it with getting round and exploring.

You can go to Israel as well, if you want to spend some time on the Dead Sea, couple of hours drive, depends where you are staying.

I have a different skin condition - Rosacea, which causes facial flushing and redness, managing it okay now mainly by avoiding the (numerous) triggers…bane of my life but there’s worse things that happen.

Hi Lewy. I don’t know if you’ve tried it already but there’s a brand of baby products called child’s farm. They sell the stuff in asda and the like. The baby cream /lotion and shampoo are great and are proven to help psoriasis. They’re about £4 each and well worth it. They will keep your skin moisturised while you don’t have access to a bath.

Try Enstilar Foam it works quite well, but they say to avoid lots of exposure to the sun or UV (sunbeds )

I have it on my scalp…but mainly on both sides and behind my ears…after trying different creams…i now use Coal Tar twice a week, and share that with T-Gel works wonders and keeps it clear…but not all treatments work the same on everyone…its a trial and error till you find one that works.

get on HUMIRA it is the wonder injection(epi pen type) …,cleared me up from 65% to 2% in 2 months 8 injections …a bloody miracle!! take one fortnightly to keep it up in my system no side effects at all(2yrs now). Just the same when I get wound up it starts to appear on my knees so its stress free as possible.