Why oh why : (

Ive got a good idea! Lets put a really expensive looking bit of air conditioning equipment right along side a really tight single bay and watch the drivers sruggle to get onto the bay. Whahahahaha…whahahahaha…whahahahahaha

I can’t pick out the AC unit in the pic, but your truck needs a shave! :laughing:

They won’t have to wait long before some muppet trashes it.

And how about the muppet that thought it was OK to have it put there.

And how about the muppet that thought it was OK to have it put there.

My thoughts exactly!!!

And how about the muppet that thought it was OK to have it put there.

Well, he won’t have to wait too long before some muppet trashes it, will he? :smiley:

Do shop deliveries here in Ireland.They must really go on courses to decide how awkward they can get some of these holes.I can understand the older stores,where aircon and refrigeration units are an add-on,but new builds?