Simply amazing … 132112987/

Well done that man and also the people who gave him a chance. Inspiring indeed,

I watched Towies and had a fair bit of respect for Claytons. Thats just jumped it up a notch or fifty. Fair play to Claytons and well done to Max.

Best thread for ages.
Puts lots of things into perspective.

We close so many doors to people who are perfectly capable of taking a more complete role in society, given the chance.

Best thread for ages.
Puts lots of things into perspective.

def +1

I worked with another driver at Morgans Meat Transport in Brisbane who by the look of him was a ■■■■■■■. No such thing. He was as good as any of us normal :astonished: looking types.

Fantastic :sunglasses:

Puts ‘problems’ into perspective…well done that man… :slight_smile: