He was only following his sat nav

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … rfect.html

I don’t like all those noises I’m hearing! Job and knock is my guess! :slight_smile:

The old saying the camera never lies doesn’t really hit the mark.

Without knowing where he was going or where this was we have no idea whether that was the only route available to get the cabin/static home or whatever to where it had to go.

It could equally be a complete numpty who followed his sat nav and ended up in a stupid place.

Or equally he had a legitimate reason to be there.

I guess we will never know.

Mind even it was the only way to go I doubt I would want to cross it myself at least without contingency plans.

Didn’t wanna pay the toll over the Severn bridge so crossed further up stream is my guess.

Obviously simply a man whos good at his job and doesnt mind if theres a crack in his headlight cover :grimacing:

The old saying the camera never lies doesn’t really hit the mark.

Without knowing where he was going or where this was we have no idea whether that was the only route available to get the cabin/static home or whatever to where it had to go.

It could equally be a complete numpty who followed his sat nav and ended up in a stupid place.

Or equally he had a legitimate reason to be there.

I guess we will never know.

Mind even it was the only way to go I doubt I would want to cross it myself at least without contingency plans.

Whoosh!!! :grimacing:

Wow the Cleddau bridge has really gone to [zb] these days :open_mouth:

I doubt I would want to cross it myself at least without contingency plans.

Yeah… making sure the buckles on your life jacket were good and tight…


I doubt I would want to cross it myself at least without contingency plans.

Yeah… making sure the buckles on your life jacket were good and tight…

Dunno about life jacket I think you would want a straight jacket to even consider crossing it.