Eyesight again

I have just had this returned by DVSA stating I do not meet the eyesight requirements for HGV renewal and enclosing a form demanding details of regular driving experience without accidents. The D4 completed by my optician appears to disagree with the experts from swansea. I know the standard changed in 2013 but 6/5 with glasses is better than the requested standard. The prescription is +1.25

Does anyone understand what they are on about please?

With average visual acuity being 6/5/ 6/4 and with you having the former as corrected vision then surely someone has made a ■■■■ up. Youre only one mark from perfect 6/6 vision…

Thank you Andrew.

Resolved, their bad. Reinforces opinion that when dealing with them copy everything sent.

Talking of medicals, DVLA have had my licence since December…done a treadmill…eyesight etc etc…then they wrote to say they have to make enquiries and this could take some time…Today 20/04 i received another letter, asking me to make yet another appointment for an ECG test ( treadmill ) after having already done one in Maritime hospital Gillingham…I am tempted to tell em to stick it up their jacksy…but am hoping to win the lottery this weekend, and i want one of those giant American motor homes…the one i like is £2 mil…but second option if i dont win big is only £500,000…so heads up…see ya on the road. :smiley:

Now I’ve had another letter saying they are going to write to my doctor about something. I’ve never seen him or her, the name is something like maharishi mahesh yogi or similar, and whoever they are they are no doubt very nice, but then I hadn’t seen my old doctor for probably at least five years and he retired two years ago.

Now I’m guessing, but one of the questions was ‘have you ever had an ECG done outside Hospital?’- Yes I have. I really can’t recall exactly when, but I had a painful shoulder for a few days some years ago, so I got a short notice appointment because I wanted to see the doctor before it got better and hence wasted their time and mine. I can’t recall the exact circumstances , but I do know I saw another one of the Partners who I had never seen before and I think they wanted to either try out their new ECG machine, or just took the opportunity to do one for their records, or were just being really thorough. Anyway apparently all was normal and it all got better with Algipan. Of course I might have got it wrong and they can’t understand why someone of my age has a normal pulse rate just above or just below 40, I used to be super fit, but It has always been like that, my father was the same.

This doesn’t really matter a great deal to me because currently I don’t drive HGV very often, about a couple of dozen times a year I guess. But without the piece of plastic I can’t do any agency work if I wanted to because the supermarkets want to see it once a week. Like many I haven’t got psychic powers, so I can’t predict whether work goes slack and I might suddenly need to do a couple of weeks agency work all of a sudden.

I’m getting a bit ■■■■■■ off with all this, especially as it looks is if it is going to be an annual thing from August onwards. And I’ve got all of the necessary DCPC to do in the next 18 months, I’m wondering whether to bother.

Re the ECG, the one your doctor did would be on record and as it was ok would imagine thats all dvsa need to know. Could possibly be they now want to do an update and record another one though. Does make you wonder why they dont just get all of this out of the way in one hit rather than drag an application out so unnecessarily… :confused:

Talking of medicals, DVLA have had my licence since December…done a treadmill…eyesight etc etc…then they wrote to say they have to make enquiries and this could take some time…Today 20/04 i received another letter, asking me to make yet another appointment for an ECG test ( treadmill ) after having already done one in Maritime hospital Gillingham…I am tempted to tell em to stick it up their jacksy…but am hoping to win the lottery this weekend, and i want one of those giant American motor homes…the one i like is £2 mil…but second option if i dont win big is only £500,000…so heads up…see ya on the road. :smiley:

If the DVLA are disputing something on your D4 while you are waiting for the return of your licence, check with your GP and he considers you are fir to drive you can do so while the DVLA faffs about. If your licence does eventually get returned, the period of validity of your renewed licence starts from the date they issue it. I have gained several months “Free” driving with waiting after the renewal date for the return of my new licence.

Re the ECG, the one your doctor did would be on record and as it was ok would imagine thats all dvsa need to know. Could possibly be they now want to do an update and record another one though. Does make you wonder why they dont just get all of this out of the way in one hit rather than drag an application out so unnecessarily… :confused:

Hmmm…your suggestion smacks of efficiency…not something the medical branch desk jockeys are best known for!