The Future

Some stuff you just can’t make up … -paralyzed

The city government is intent on putting as much civic energy into clearing bike paths and sidewalks used by environmentally- and fitness-minded women as into the roads frequented by male-dominated motor vehicle traffic.

you know it makes sense :confused:

Coming soon to the UK if we carry on with politicians we have !!!

Coming soon to the UK if we carry on with politicians we have !!!

Utter garbage.

Out elected government are pretty pragmatic and most third wave feminists see them as the enemy. They are more interested in keeping the economy ticking than making statements relating to gender.

If you tolerate this ■■■■ you’ll get more and more. Sometimes you have to show a lack of tolerance for nonsense like this whatever nasty names they want to call you.

From the comments :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And for the German M.A.N. diesel trucks on the road, they’ll have to change the name badges on the grille to P.E.R.S.O.N.

Reading that made me want to rip my eyeballs out.