Wtd rule clampdown, fact or bs

Captain Caveman 76:

I think it’s all overly complicated, both the driving rules and the WTD rules that run alongside and have to be incorporated.

I can end up with a time sheet with over 80 hours a week on it, but actual work and driving add up to <25 hours.

We had one of ours pulled by DVSA, had a manual record of his in and out of scope driving hours, DVSA refused to accept it and he got clamped and a fine. Checked with RHA and they duly double checked with transport solicitors and we were in the right.

DVSA can’t even get it right :imp:

Every now and then I’ll spend a week in the office to cover holidays. My card doesn’t go anywhere near a lorry in this time. However, I have to account for this working time. Rather than doing a manual entry using the trucks head unit, I use the manual entry feature in the tachomaster software. Bingo, all my working time is now on my card and no bits of paper with my hours on getting lost.

That’s an option if you occasionally are not in scope. We have some drivers that might do only one day a fortnight in a tacho vehicle and doing a manual entry all the time is not going to happen!

The sheets we use are very comprehensive, very easy to see ferry times, double manning etc and they are legal. We’ve had plenty of pulls where the sheets were accepted, just one pain in the arris that day.