How healthy do you think you are?

Unless you’re a twist lock monkey its actually surprising how much of a work out you do get on this job. I got a Gear Fit 2 watch free with my phone last year. It can count the number of steps you do, monitor your heartrate, once you’ve set your weight in the phone app it’ll work out roughly how many calories you use etc.

I do night trunking so strap down load, drive to point B, swap trailers, strap down return load, get back to yard, fuel up, wash truck etc. All the time I’m spending coupling up, strapping down the load, shutting curtains etc the level of work apparently is enough that the watch thinks I’m doing a workout. Every day I’m working I’ll do well over 7,000 steps and burn off over 2700 calories. The days I’m not at work even though I think I’m being active I do fewer steps and burn off fewer calories. You can look at the last 2 weeks history it stores and be pretty accurate in working out what days I was working.

So why are many of us overweight? Quite simply long hours meaning poor sleep, not having regular sleep patterns and boredom munching as you drive down the road.

I also found that if you take it off and put it on the centre console, it thinks your running! I did a marathon every night last week. :open_mouth: