Avoiding me

I know 99% come out in a cold sweat at the thought they may bump into me / park near me so for £3.99 ( think that’s how much it is ) , here’s a sure fire way of not having to worry about it .
Just get this app , bang in h2728 and you’ll never have to worry again , no sleepless nights

Network Rail want to know if there’s a feature for locating any of the fleet. Can the app do that?

I just avoid all stobrats,saves 3.99

Save £3.99 and write H2728 or any other number on the back of a discarded ■■■ packet, burger wrapper or coffee cup that lurking in the passenger footwell, then when you park near a Stobart truck a quick glance down at the detritus in the footwell will serve as a handy reference library.

Has dozy gone into the app wrighting business and this is secretly his new way to make extra cash?

This seems a bit odd however as do they really want people to be able to track loads around the country. Presumably this means they dont have anything of any value being carried now?

Edit: put it into google store and first thing to appear was “public toilet finder”…does google have a sly sense if humour. :wink: Still doesnt list the app so must be Apple only.

I was a bit unsure when my company came up with an APP but I have to say I am in awe at it now, I can send any document to any department on the company, in the past each time I completed a load I would have to wait until I got to a truck stop to send the BOL into payroll via transflow in order to get paid, now I just open the APP, take a photo of the document and send it to payroll. I can at any time look at my bonus level and all expected pay, I can dispute any problem before the pay is sent to my bank account. A few months back some old geezer rear ended my tanker, I took photos of the insurance docs and the accident, everything was in the hands of my safety dept within minutes. I can also look up fuel suppliers and it includes a sat nav to guide me to any customer.
I love it.

Dozy, I downloaded this app on the merry hope of sharing a beer or two with in your cab on your 9 off (if you’re near me). Can I find you? Or any Stobart motor for that matter? Nope. But I can locate all the Stobart depots.

You owe me £3.99.