Stobarts finest … een-791005

Looks like the Czech contingent this time.

Does he know he has an indicator out? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Accident on a roundabout and damage to the truck on the offside front . Could be the bmw driver was true to type , me first .Dave

Yeah I’d guess at the BMW on the inside of the roundabout performing the classic “roundabouts are miniature dual carriageways for overtaking lorries” manoeuvre but then cut across the front of Eddies finest to get off it’s exit.

But I’m sure it’s more fun blaming the truck driver based on his nationality and vinyl wrap.

Yeah I’d guess at the BMW on the inside of the roundabout performing the classic “roundabouts are miniature dual carriageways for overtaking lorries” manoeuvre but then cut across the front of Eddies finest to get off it’s exit.

But I’m sure it’s more fun blaming the truck driver based on his nationality and vinyl wrap.

That’s what I thought also, the ■■■■ s haven’t a second to spare. :imp:
But hey …it’s Stobarts, it’s my favourite pastime slagging them off. :smiley:

Not just a car transporter but “a massive car transporter”. :laughing: