Its that rime of the year

Increase in inexperienced drivers being chucked in at the deep end by unscrupulous agencies.
The HGV test being not fit for purpose in the real world coupled with easier to drive vehicles allowing to many club plant pots to slip through the net and gain HGV entitlement.

I’ll go along with these.

The problems exacerbated by the industry’s headlong race to the bottom, can’t deskill the job quickly enough in order to…er why?, why would you deskill and dumb your operation down, it doesn’t make any sense when you look at it rationally, its a fix for today without a thought to the next 100/100000 days.

If you have a job that requires some nous, and you have to pay well and retain a certain standard of employee, and the job gets done year in year out, why on earth would you want to fix what was never broken in the first place, is it so any ever cheaper passing body can be hauled in and plonked on the driving seat, prat nav programmed, select D press the loud pedal and wheee off he goes, well how’s that scheme working out for you operators i wonder?

Have you operators inspected your fleets recently, seen the damage?, have you added up the bills you are attracting by taking any bugger who comes cheap enough, damage to own and customers assets, bridges :open_mouth: , insurance costs, downtime costs due to neglect ■■■■ poor driving and sheer incompetence?
You have to lease and replace on a 3/5 yearly plan cos by years 3/5 your vehicles are bloody falling apart, have increased downtime and look 15 years old.

Taking the cheap option isn’t working out terribly well i would suggest, maybe try turning the clock back a bit by offering terms and conditions that mean you can cherry pick (including actually checking out those who apply histories :bulb: ), then treat your once again valued and content employees as adults and allowing them to take a pride in their work, and that also means not holding their hands for them when they don’t want it, nor dumbing their job down to idiot level because you, the management that is, decided to employ half wits and dumbed the job down the level of the worse fool that you dared to take on.
This works, if the job is worth keeping well chosen people look after it.

The solutions lie at management’s door, they have between them caused the race to the bottom, they willingly went along with increasingly dumb vehicles that any fool could drive, and seem surprised that an increasing number of fools are slipping through the net, who would simply not have wanted the job as it once was, the ball is in management’s court to fix it.
It can be fixed, it needs management to acknowledge the path they are now perilously close to the end of isn’t the right one after all.

Or we do a european union instead, where something is plainly not working we simply do even more of the same and kick the can down the road :unamused: