Tesla electric lorry to be revealed next month




As it stands there’s probably no way that anyone is going to run a truck on the basis of 2 kwh per mile nor at the present of 15p per kwh priceelectricity to charge it.

Solar energy is the game changer for these Semi trucks, Saudi Arabia has just tendered under 2 cents/kw and I read somewhere that Mexico has tendered lower figures than that :open_mouth: that must be what Tesla are basing their figures on as they’re also a big player in the solar energy business. finance.yahoo.com/news/middle-e … 00210.html

It cost about 9p a litre to fill up in Saudi Arabia, by the time it gets to us it costs about £1.20/litre, most of that is tax, do you really think the Government isn’t going to increase taxes on Electrical vehicle charging to cover the loss of revenue from petrol and diesel?

Oh! I’m well aware of government taxation, they’d tax the bleedin’ air we breath if they could get away with it. I think there will have to be a seismic shift in taxation in the coming decade on how they will tax future energy needs.

So where would you suggest the Government gets the money it will lose from fossil fuel taxation?