Delusional Drivers

Another facet of “Delusional” are those drivers who really think they’ll never need to be employed by agency, and would choose not to - if that were the last job on earth.

Daft thing is, there is plenty of “bread and butter” work on agency. It just doesn’t pay very well, and the pecking order is such that a newbie to that agency will find themselves way down the list to be asked for the “first twenty lots of 8am monday-friday starts” dished out at the end of the previous weeks… They’ll probably be getting a call sunday (or even early hours of Monday morning!) to come in at 8am and cover some higher-up bod who’s dropped that shift. :unamused:

In essence, all the things that people moan about with regards to agency are down to (1) Being new there and (2) Not being prepared to be flexible.

Now I happen to hate early starts. So… When signing up with an agency I said “I like Friday nights and Sunday days in particular”. Got plenty of work that way, albeit a lot of last-minute stuff in the early stages, i.e. dropped shifts. It moved me up the pecking order no end of course.

As some others have pointed out on numerous occasions “There’s plenty of work - but even plentier of drivers!”
The shortage to counterbalance that argument - is going to be those drivers with the better records that happen to lean towards nights/weekends/nights out and even the grubbier jobs like animal transport, sewage tankers, etc. :bulb: