What's a Junction?

Road Law and the highway code often refer to “Junctions”, for instance; you can’t park within so many metres of a junction, and ‘Do Not’ over take when approaching or passing a junction.

But I can’t find a definition of what defines a road Junction. Obviously where two public roads meet is a Junction, and every ones driveway in a street of houses is not.

But what about a private road or track , a farm entrance, the driveway to a large country home, they are junctions but are they junctions within the eyes of the law.

Would a junction always have a Give Way or Stop line marked? No line means not a junction??

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Would a junction always have a Give Way or Stop line marked? No line means not a junction??

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Plenty of roads don’t have give way signs or markings. Granted they’re usually pretty minor, but they’re roads nonetheless.

Would a junction always have a Give Way or Stop line marked? No line means not a junction??

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Correct, an unmarked junction is not a junction.