Driving Footwear..?




Jesus wept i’ve bloody heard it all now

Its a lorry driving job, you’re not all budding Rudolf Nureyevs or are you, taking off those rough booties and mincing along in yer ballet shoes and tights.

Oooh, no tights for me, only stockings and suspenders. :wink:

You need to look at page one if you want to see a nice driving style bud :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :blush:

Very nice driving shoes Chloe, The only problem I see is if you were driving a manual, I would imagine they would be absolutely fine in an auto, its the heels that would give me difficulty with a manual and switching between pedals with my right foot. That minor detail apart, would fully recommend every trucker should have a pair of these fine cab shoes.

Can I be honest ? … I can hardly walk in them. I mince around in them like an expensive ■■■■■ on drugs. Hard enough walking around Tibshelf HGV services park a few nights ago in them. Nice pic of my mink coat underneath though !