Salary Vs Hourly...?

blue estate:


Most hourly jobs I know guarantee you x number of hours a week anyway in your contract, so if you finish early your still getting your basic pay & if you go over you get overtime. Win win.

Drivers mostly lose in salaried jobs. I would only consider a salary if it was a bread rat type job, where you have a set run and finish as soon as it’s done.

Yep mines an hourly paid X guaranteed a week and OT
Zb working salaried again you lose boss always wins

I’ve always found it the other way around. Usually need to be flat out to earn on hours, and some firms (cough, maritime) like to park you up on your guaranteed. Whereas on salary, I tend to dictate the pace, and only do an avoidable reduced rest if it suits me. We have a new contract starting in September and the new drivers are going to be on hours (customers request as they’re paying) and it looks a good package, but where my nights out are paid guaranteed, they won’t have that luxury, meaning they’ll have to do a 14 hour day to earn what I do in 12 or less