Donald Trump on Truckers


the nodding donkey:


Sounds like hes still in campaign mode: "Youre all wonderful people. I`ll make things better."
No mention of what, or how, or when, or costings etc. Do away with regs? Freedom to run even longer hours? Wonderful.
I expect Pat Haslar will have summat to say about the threat to ObamaCare.

Maybe give him a chance to lay out his proposals before condeming them or putting a negative spin on it.
It would be great post Brexit if someone stood up and simplified all the over complicated EU regulation ■■■■■■■■ that we have to endure.
Mind you, after saying that you would still get the ‘turkeys voting for Christmas’ less intelligent type drivers advocating for what you suggest, running for even longer hours, instead of decreasing them and fighting to get pay in line with the new regs.

Evil8Beezle, you’ll have to break it to him gently, but I think the time has come…

He won’t, …he knows I don’t take any notice. :smiley: