Old A55 crash dashcam footage released

Why isn’t there more pressure being brought to bear on the death trap that is “breaking down in a live lane”?

Managed Motorways are even worse of course - because an establishment decision has been made to “not bother widening the carriageway with a new hard shoulder to save money”.

I’d be terrified if I broke down in a car, with only seconds to bail out of the vehicle before I get smacked up the arse by the artic following. It’s a clear and present danger when there’s no hard shoulder!

This A55 road over rolling terrain as it appears in the footage - should be a two-lane with a hard shoulder. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

I agree, one of the worst examples of “live lane, instant death” is on the elevated section of the M6 between the M5 and the M42, there is absolutely no gap between the crash barrier and the huge concrete wall in places, you are a sitting duck if you break down there, unless you want to stand on the crash barrier with your back to the wall and pray.